[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] admiyo-0206-2-Use-modified-entity-find-commands-for-associations

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Wed Mar 2 18:20:04 UTC 2011

On 3/2/2011 10:56 AM, Adam Young wrote:
> This version uses the search widget. A little more intrusive than I
> wanted, but if fixes the issue with
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1011

I tested this with Group's Member User:

The Add button doesn't open a dialog box, but it tries to create the 
content of the dialog box under the search table.

The Delete button does open a dialog box, but it doesn't delete the 
member, then it goes back to group's search page.

Another thing, I was expecting the entire that.table = IPA.table_widget
to be replaced by that.table = IPA.search_widget so we don't have to do 
   if (that.columns.length == 1) {
     // do things with table widget
   } else {
     // do things with search widget
but it might be to complicated for this release.

>>>> 604: that.relationship_filter = spec.relationship_filter;
>>>> 899: var relationship_filter = 'in_' + that.entity_name;

> Removed the code at 604 for now. We'll see what the right solution is
> when we start implementing the others. I don't like how the code had to
> be split up due to the init function.

Then I'd ask that you put a note above 899, something like this:
// TODO: fix hard-coded relationship filter

Endi S. Dewata

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