[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 069 Improve interactive mode for DNS plugin

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Fri May 27 02:39:17 UTC 2011

Martin Kosek wrote:
> Interactive mode for commands manipulating with DNS records
> (dnsrecord-add, dnsrecord-del) is not usable. This patch enhances
> the server framework with new callback for interactive mode, which
> can be used by commands to inject their own interactive handling.
> The callback is then used to improve aforementioned commands'
> interactive mode.
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1018

This works pretty nicely but it seems like with just a bit more it can 
be great.

Can you add some doc examples for how this works?

And you display the records now and then prompt for each to delete. Can 
you combine the two?

For example:

ipa dnsrecord-del greyoak.com lion
No option to delete specific record provided.
Delete all? Yes/No (default No):
Current DNS record contents:

A record:

Enter value(s) to remove:
[A record]:

If we know there is an record why not just prompt for each value yes/no 
to delete?

The yes/no function needs more documentation on what default does too. 
It appears that the possible values are None/True/False and that None 
means that '' can be returned (which could still be evaluated as False 
if this isn't used right).


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