[Freeipa-devel] [Update] Time-Based Account Policies

Stanislav Laznicka slaznick at redhat.com
Fri Aug 21 09:26:49 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I have been working on the changes regarding the time-based policies 
that were proposed earlier this month on this mailing list. The minor 
change was the addition of the 'dayofyear' and 'weekofyear' language 
keywords and their functionality. A rather major change was the addition 
of a behavior similar to the one of the iCalendar recurrence rules.

The minor change is obvious, let me elaborate on the bigger one. It was 
implemented as I proposed earlier on this list. Language-wise, it works 
like this:


where <dateX> takes the form of YYYYMMDD, date1 is the starting date, 
date2 is the ending date and is optional. The <num> after '+' denotes 
the length of each repetition and <type> is one of d/w/m/y which stands 
for daily/weekly/monthly/yearly. Therefore, "+1d" means every day (from 
the starting day), "+2w" every other week etc.

The limits set by the 'repeat' keyword can be extended/limited similarly 
as in iCalendar using the current language, e.g. 'dayofweek' can be used 
to extend ranges in weekly/monthly/yearly from one certain day in 
week/month/year for a set of these days but it limits the days 
applicable in daily mode. For more information, see either 
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.10 or, preferably, the 
code (sssd - 0004 patch, the check_repeat function).

I should also mention that the COUNT feature from iCalendar is not 
implemented for reasons I stated in my last mail 

I would also like to ask someone from SSSD to have at least a brief look 
at the code I am posting now, especially the changes in patches 1,2 and 
4. I wonder if I should make a separate post on sssd-devel for that.

If you have any notes or suggestions on the current state of the time 
rules, please, let me know.

Many thanks,
Standa Laznicka
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