[Freeipa-devel] Time-based account policies

Martin Kosek mkosek at redhat.com
Thu Mar 26 12:24:53 UTC 2015

On 03/26/2015 01:08 PM, Standa Láznička wrote:
> On 3/26/2015 11:13 AM, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>> Dne 25.3.2015 v 18:25 Stanislav Láznička napsal(a):
>>> On 03/25/2015 12:34 PM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>>> When using hbactest command you just need to supply implied time zone
>>>> as an option to the command itself. After all, you are simulating rule
>>>> execution so it does not matter where the value comes from.
>>> Oh, good, I haven't thought of that. That certainly eases things up.
>>> Let me make a summary then, a short one this time, of what's been
>>> discussed .
>>> It seems the best way to store time policies is indeed the format (time,
>>> anchor) where anchor is either Olson database timezone or "Local Time"
>>> for host local time. We are omitting users' local time because, after
>>> all, we are talking HBAC Rules here (great point by Simo). If the admins
>>> really needed that, there's a workaround Jan mentioned that should work
>>> just fine.
>> What I originally meant as anchor was a value specifying the time offset
>> (e.g. "utc" - access time uses UTC, "rule" - access time uses time zone
>> specified in the HBAC rule, "host" - access time uses host's time zone),
>> rather than the time zone itself or "Local Time".
> You're right, that's probably more descriptive than just "Local Time". Still, I
> think that instead of "rule" a timezone might just as well appear on the anchor
> part. I think "UTC" is also part of Olson's so it should be at the same spot as
> the timezone.

I am not little confused about all the places where we want to add the time
zone. I thought that it was originally meant for hosts objects, so that we can
HBAC rule is created, UI/CLI can already suggest the right time zone for the
HBAC rule. But it should have been only informative value serving mostly UX,
not something that SSSD would decide on.

HBAC rule itself is always the authoritative source. We should also avoid
having time zone in 2 places in the HBAC rule itself - if this is what you are
steering at. I thought the authoritative time zone would be only in the HBAC
time definition only, i.e. only in the anchor specifically.

Can we show specific examples of these tuples, to make sure we are in
agreement? My take was:

(Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00, UTC+1)
(Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00, local)

UTC+1 may not be ideal as it would not work for daylight saving, a better way
would indeed be the Olson time zone ID, i.e:

(Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00, Europe/Prague)
(Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00, local)

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