[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 0003 batch command can be used to trigger internal errors on server

Stanislav Laznicka slaznick at redhat.com
Tue Jun 7 13:11:01 UTC 2016


Thank you for your patch. As the thin-client patches were pushed in the 
meantime, the patch won't apply. Could you please send a rebased version?

Also, I have a few comments to the patch:

1) I think that the commit message should be rather a brief conclusion 
to the changes made in the commit. This could help for faster 
orientation in the changes that were made to a certain part of code 
should you be searching for a bug introduced by a commit. Should some 
more info be required, it can be added to the ticket. Could you 
therefore shorten the commit message?

2) Please do not add the tickets to comments in the code. You can use 
git blame -L or git log -L to see in which commits were the changes 
introduced to a certain part of a file, these commits should include the 
ticket number if more info is needed.


On 05/27/2016 03:53 PM, Florence Blanc-Renaud wrote:
> Hi all,
> the following patch checks the format of parameters passed to a method 
> called through the batch command. I picked the ConversionError for 
> invalid parameters format but this choice can be discussed if you have 
> better suggestions...
> Fixes: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5810
> -- 
> Florence Blanc-Renaud
> Identity Management Team, Red Hat

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