Managing many kickstart configurations.

Ray Van Dolson rvandolson at
Wed Jan 9 22:29:21 UTC 2008

Hey all, how do some of you who have many different kickstart
configurations manage this?  I have similar configurations for
different minor versions of RH, but under the same major version -- and
the same for CentOS.  Much of the config files are the same save for a
few poritions.

I'm considering just writing a small CGI front-end that nicely pulls in
a "common" config and then more specific items.

Sure this can kind of be done via the %include keyword, but somehow
doing this has never seemed as elegant.

Anyone have anything particularly cool they're doing to manage large
numbers of kickstart configs?  I seem to remember stumbling across a
web-based tool at some point but can't find it now.


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