[almighty] Pagination & jsonapi.org

Thomas Mäder tmader at redhat.com
Mon Oct 3 12:42:13 UTC 2016

Hi folks,

I'm in the middle of solving 
https://github.com/almighty/almighty-core/issues/329 . Jsonapi.org has 
some recommendations about this: 

What they recommend is adding "next", "prev" and "last" links to a 
"links" object on the top level of the response document. The client 
then must compute how many pages there are and the size of the pages by 
parsing the uri's.

This seems wrong to me: I expect the front end to always limit the 
result set anyway. In this case, returning the total count seems much 
simpler to me for both the back end and clients. The count could be 
returned as a header or as a filed in the result json object.

Opinions (especially of our consumers) would be appreciated.


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