[almighty] High-Level Component Diagram

Andrew Lee Rubinger alr at redhat.com
Tue Sep 20 11:46:29 UTC 2016

Hi folks:

As we continue work on our target feature areas, it's helpful to keep an
eye on how our pieces will fit into the overall picture.


The above diagram is a starting point for discussion really, and we'll be
refining it over the next couple of weeks.  By mid-October I'd like it to
be in a fairly-stable state.

Everyone is welcome to use this thread for discussion or directly
edit/comment on the diagram itself.

The most pressing questions coming out of the recent F2F are:

1) Does Almighty Core have any contractual expectations for a Planner
component?  (ie. a "transition" operation might move issues from one
provider to the next).
2) What is the common plug point to define an extension in the UI?  To
remove an extension in the UI?
3) How do we let individual service APIs register to get exposed as part of
the unified Almighty Public API?

Also, because of the way the corporate RHT Google Drive is configured, this
is open only to those with redhat.com accounts.  If anyone has a more
open-source friendly diagramming solution to encourage our friends in the
community, I am all ears.


Red Hat Developer Programs Architecture
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