SuperMicro H8SSL-i (ServerWorks HT1000) -- JMR SATAStor 6x2.5" in 1x5.25" array

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at
Thu Dec 1 17:57:22 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 12:40 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> I never claimed that enterprise class has anything to do with 
> the interface. It just happens SAS drives are targeted for
> server environments.

Not all.  ;->

In fact, if you check the specs, some of the SAS devices are more "near-
line" specifications.  They are basically rolling off the
_exact_same_line_ as their SATA brethren!

> If anyone is curious about the differences, the following 2003 paper
> goes into some detail 

As does my sidebar on "Near-line Enterprise Disk" here:  

Of this article:

Bryan J. Smith   mailto:b.j.smith at
Some things (or athletes) money can't buy.
For everything else there's "ManningCard."

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