[augeas-devel] Re: [Interfaces] Draft lense

Free Ekanayaka free at 64studio.com
Fri Aug 22 13:18:37 UTC 2008

Hi "Raphaël,

|--==> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:45:23 +0200, "Raphaël Pinson" <raphink at gmail.com> said:

  RP> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Free Ekanayaka <free at 64studio.com> wrote:
  >>I works, you're a wizard! The lense is now acceptable, I'm sure there
  >>are some corner cases which are not yet covered, but it should be fine
  >>for most real-life cases.

  RP> Great, this lens is a very useful one for sure (at least for Debian/Ubuntu
  RP> users ;)). Nicolas will be happy of it!


  >>Definitely. I was thinking to the possibility of nesting nodes of
  >>trailing comments inside a values/options nodes, so that:
  >>auto eth0 # Whatever
  >>would generate:
  >>{ "auto"
  >>{ "1" = "eth0
  >>{ "#comment" = "Whatever } } }
  >>auto eth0
  >># Whatever
  >>would lead to:
  >>{ "auto"
  >>{ "1" = "eth0 } }
  >>{ "#comment" = "Whatever }
  >>I have the feeling that it would simplifiy things, but I'm not

  RP> I don't think it's a good idea, because you can have several iface arguments
  RP> after auto. How will you map

  RP> auto lo eth0 # loopback & eth card

  RP> Imo, this comment is about both "lo" and "eth0" so it would be

  RP> { "auto"
  RP>    { "1" = "lo" }
  RP>    { "2" = "eth0" }
  RP>    { "#comment" = "loopback & eth card" } }

  RP> and it wouldn't really make sense to have

  RP> { "auto"
  RP>    { "1" = "lo" }
  RP>    { "2" = "eth0"
  RP>       { "#comment" = "loopback & eth card" } } }

That's true. I was asking myself if that could make the lense code

  RP> Could you send a patch (using hg email) to the list with interfaces.aug and
  RP> test_interfaces.aug ? I'm sure David will be happy to apply it to the repo
  RP> once he gets back :)

Yes, sure I will comment it a bit more and make a uglier test case,
then post the final version in the next days. Thanks you again for
your assistance.

  RP> If you're not familiar with hg (I was not at all):

Thanks, I'm not indeed :)



  RP> cat << EOF > ~/.hgrc
  RP> [email]
  RP> from = Name <email>
  RP> method = smtp

  RP> [smtp]
  RP> host = your smtp gateway

  RP> [ui]
  RP> username = Name <email>
  RP> hg ci interfaces.aug tests/test_interfaces.aug
  RP> hg log interfaces.aug # find the hash for the commit
  RP> hg email -t "Augeas config <augeas-devel at redhat.com>" $hash

  RP> Ciao

  RP> Raphaël

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