[augeas-devel] Who should ship lenses?

Jeff Johnson n3npq at mac.com
Sat Apr 2 17:36:41 UTC 2011

On Apr 2, 2011, at 1:23 PM, Raphaël Pinson wrote:

>> IMHO, I think the way it's done right now, keeping lenses in a central
>> repository, is the way to go. We can find other projects that works this
>> way, like vim, where most syntax highlighting belongs to the vim
>> package, not the upstream one, excepted for few.
> When my vim syntax doesn't exactly fit the file I'm editing, it's
> frustrating at most, but not a big issue. When an Augeas lens doesn't
> parse or write a conffile properly, it's a major issue. I think we
> should encourage Augeas lenses to be associated with usptream software
> as much as possible.

There are two issues:

    Who maintains lenses?
    How are lenses updated and distributed?

that have perhaps different answers. I'd suggest foccussing
on a distribution scheme for lenses, perhaps something lightweight
like gems/eggs, without worrying about maintainership quite yet.

BTW, js-1.8.5 was _FINALLY_ released last week. Which means its
now feasible for me to release my Augeas JS bindings somehow

A bit of catch-up with currently released Augeas is needed first.
I haven't bothered with JS+Augeas for all the obvious reasons for
more than a year.


73 de Jeff

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