[Avocado-devel] YouTube Channel

Amador Pahim apahim at redhat.com
Thu Feb 9 13:37:35 UTC 2017


FYI, we are working to increase the relevance of our YouTube Channel
as a source of information for those wanting to learn about and/or to
keep up with Avocado.

(this URL can have a friendly alias as soon as we reach the 100
subscribers mark)

Some actions so far:

- Presentations playlist: a playlist linking all presentations about
Avocado in several events (KVM Forum, DevConf, ...)

- Release Meetings playlist: a playlist with all public release meetings.

- Features Demonstrations playlist: a collection of short videos
demonstrating specific features. Most of them are cuts from our public
release meetings, where we are used to demonstrate some new features
present in that release. This is a work in progress, but I'm posting
that videos as I have the time.

If you're interested in that content, please subscribe.

Best Regards,

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