[Avocado-devel] Avocado 101 questions

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Mon Jan 28 16:35:27 UTC 2019

Dne 23. 01. 19 v 18:54 Fajun Chen napsal(a):
> Hi,

Hello Fajun Chen,

I'm sorry for the delay, I had been on DevConf Brno this weekend.

> I just got started on Avocado. I was able to build, list and run tests
> without issues after reading the documents. But I still have some
> questions, which seems not covered by the documents.
>    1. How to define the test sequence in yaml/json? An example file with
>    test references and test parameters would be very helpful.

Simplest is to enumerate the tests on cmdline. We do support filters so people can specify tests_methods, classes, files or directories, where the order is preserved (alphabetical for files/dirs and according to location for test_methods/classes). https://avocado-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Loaders.html

For finer-granularity we have `yaml_loader` https://avocado-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/optional_plugins/yaml_loader.html that allows specifying tests in a yaml file. Basic usage is:

    test_reference: passtest.py
    test_reference: failtest.py

but the format allows to define loaders, loader parameters, changing some avocado arguments and even directly modifying test params. I'm using it to run various external_runner tests together with avocado-vt tests using different params in a single job.

>    2. Could the tests in a test job be executed sequentially and in
>    predefined order?

See (1), there is a defined order.

>    3. Could we skip subsequent tests when a test fails?

Unfortunately not available as a feature yet. There is a workaround to use `teststmpdir` to create a file and in `setUp` phase of following test to check for it's presence and we do have an RFC to implement Job API, that should allow dynamic job definition https://trello.com/c/hRmShGIp/671-rfc-job-api but there is no ETA yet.

>    4. How to abort test job upon critical test failure?

The same situation. We don't have a framework support, one can use the same workaround to skip all remaining tests. Anyway this feature should be fairly simple to develop and I see a value in it. We could simply add CRITICAL test status and in such case abort the execution.

Note if you mean to interrupt testing after any failed test, you can use https://avocado-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/GetStartedGuide.html#interrupting-the-job-on-first-failed-test-failfast

>    5. How to add custom code to handle exceptions from tests?

Directly to the tests. Not sure what exactly you have in mind, but you can have your own utils library and use it in the tests.

Note if you mean test failure vs. test error, we do have some decorators https://avocado-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/WritingTests.html#turning-errors-into-failures to declare certain exceptions as test failure, rather than anonymous test errors.

>    6. rsync is used to upload test logs to remote server, which is started
>    after test completion. How to upload test logs incrementally for long
>    running test before it completes

Avocado supports streamline results like tap or journal. We don't have a plugin to upload individual test results (or even to stream the files as the test runs), but we could give you pointers to develop such plugin. Note if you only need to log files after test execution, the plugin would be as simple as:

    def test_end(self, test):

where publish would simply rsync the logdir to your server. Logging files as the test goes would be probably a bit harder and we'd have to think about it. One way is to add logger, but that way you only get logs and not the produced files. Other would be to have plugin that would create a thread and keep syncing the logdir. Again, should not be that hard, we could give you pointers but not sure how significant is it currently for us.

>    7. How to run multiple test jobs in parallel?

Unfortunately current runner allows only a single job per execution. Anyway running multiple avocado instances at the same time is not a problem. This is another goal of the Job API RFC mentioned in answer (3)

>    8. The test logs from low level lib modules are captured in job.log
>    instead of in test specific directories.Just wonder if there're hooks in
>    place to customize the logger so more test data are reported in test
>    specific logs.

I'm not sure I understand this properly. There is the `$results/job.log` file that should contain some job logs + all logs from tests. Then there are the per-test `$results/test-results/*/debug.log` logs that contain the part of `job.log` since the test started until the test ends. It should not contain more, nor less (with one exception and that is interrupted test, where extra messages might get injected out-of-place). If that's not the case than we have a bug and would like to ask you for a reproducer.

Also note that the test is a python script, so "evil" test might re-define it's loggers. Anyway even "evil" test should not affect the main Avocado loggers, nor the other executed tests. We do have a strict boundary between runner and each tests (they are actually a different processes) as in other frameworks we had problems with tests affecting other tests.

All in all, Avocado is fairly established project now, we still have the JobAPI coming, persistent test (allowing reboot during test execution) and multi-stream (multi-host) testing in progress. Current LTS version is primarily python2-compatible, but for a longish period the master switched to python3 by default with backward compatibility and we are about to release it as another LTS (LTS releases are maintained for about 1.5 years, there is a overlap with previous LTS to allow smooth transition and we do have guidelines on what changed between versions and how to adjust). While evaluating definitely checkout `avocado.utils.*` where we have several useful utils to speedup writing tests and also the Aexpect sub-project https://github.com/avocado-framework/aexpect that is inspired by Expect language and inherits from pexpect project, but is improved (it was actually forked because of slow pexpect development) and could be useful even when you decide not to use Avocado itself.

Best regards,

> Thanks,
> Fajun

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