[Avocado-devel] Introduction: Avocado I2N plugin for network testing

Plamen Dimitrov pdimitrov at pevogam.com
Fri Jun 28 08:44:26 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I am writing this email with the purpose of introducing our avocado
plugin to the avocado community so that if someone shows interest they
can check it out.

Some background: A few years ago we had a conversation on the autotest
mailing list about a way to automate setup requirements for each test
and I proposed the structure and traversal in the attached presentation
(more or less the same as back then). As far as I remember, Lucas
Meneghel Rodrigues, Chris Evich, and other folks liked the idea but the
problem was that while we at Intra2net AG already had an implementation
for our own internal use, it wasn't immediately deployable and easy to
integrate without a lot of patchwork.

Fast forward to present-day Avocado and its plugin structure was a
perfect opportunity to make this code available for anyone and we
published the project as a plugin extending on the avocado VT concepts.
In short, it can be used to test software requiring networks of vms (of
possibly different operating systems and configurations) requiring
complex reusable setup. You can find a more complete description of the
concepts involved on the project's github page:


One final note to make is that at present using the plug still requires
cloning our own avocado-vt forks, however all pull requests necessary to
prevent this have been submitted to avocado-vt upstream and are
currently being reviewed. Reviews of the pull requests are as always
welcome and I have provided a list of our blocker pull requests to be
tracked in the issue:


Thanks a lot,
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