NEW glibc for FC2 on Alpha

Mike Barnes strepsil at
Fri Aug 20 06:47:51 UTC 2004

A new glibc built from Andrija's spec file, and this morning's CVS, is
now available (well, still uploading, but will most likely be there
before anyone reads this) in the Carmen updates tree


If you're already running and have yum configured, "yum update" should
pull it in. As with all these packages, testing is minimal. It works
on my system, and my usual environment seems none the wiser.

The existing Mozilla packages (1.4) now run without segfaulting, as do
a few other things. Mozilla 1.7 build is in progress, and will be
uploaded soon if all goes well.

Cristian - can you keep an eye on the Rawhide tree and see when they
start using a newer CVS checkout of glibc in their SRPM? The one there
right now uses August 12, which doesn't work. August 20 does. This
might be a good time to try getting our patches merged in for FC3.

Andrija - thanks very much. Great piece of work, there. :)

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