Alpha Source Code?

Mike A. Harris mharris at
Tue Dec 7 06:41:11 UTC 2004

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Buck Rekow wrote:

>no aparc, mips, or alpha.. what's wrong with these people?

Heh.  Well, I feel the same as you from an ideological and
enthusiast viewpoint, at least as far as Alpha is concerned.  
We've got a handful of people internally (myself included) who 
would love to revive Alpha officially, but that would have to be 
entirely volunteer based on non-work hours to happen.  Sadly, 
non-work hours are rare, and mostly occupied by other things in 
life by all of us currently it seems.  ;o)

For Sparc, the same is true, however there's AuroraLinux, which 
is a port to sparc done by Red Hatters in their spare time.

For MIPS...  er... no comment.  ;o)

Mike A. Harris
OS Systems Engineer   -   X11 Developer   -   Red Hat

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