XL-266 install

Mike Foley mike-spam at yelof.com
Thu Feb 26 15:37:43 UTC 2004

	API spun it's own SRM based on the licensed SRM
	from DECpaq. Some of the things they did was
	add DOS FAT partition support and specific hardware
	support. I don't think the DOS FAT support made it
	back to DECpaq however. (eliminated the need for BSD
	disk labelling)

	When API folded, they were within weeks of releasing
	a replacement for SRM based on the Linux kernel. Try as
	I might to fight to get it released, it didn't happen.

	With it, you could boot from the kernel in the flash or
	use the kernel in the flash to load a kernel on disk.
	There was also support for managing NVRAM from /proc.

	It was all very cool stuff and it's a true shame it
	was never released. (tho I do have an early copy buried
	away someplace, I'm not about to release it. I can't
	afford lawyers.)  I might have the PowerPoint presentation
	I did that explained it further, if anyone is interested.


Jay Estabrook wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2004 at 07:47:36PM -0500, U. George wrote:
> I think by "bread board" you're remember the EBSDK (Evaluation Board
> System Developers Kit); it contained sources for much of the hardware
> needs WRT console and PALcode and such. Did NOT contain sources for the
> SRM console PALcode, however, but something a bit simpler that could be
> used by IHVs building Alpha-based mobos as the basis for their own
> console firmware (DeskStation is the only one I can readily think of
> that actually did this; API/Samsung did it a bit, but also purchased
> a license for SRM).

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