Displaying HW info

Davis Johnson davis at frizzen.com
Sat Jul 10 22:00:21 UTC 2004

Tom Linden wrote:

>This may be a bit off  topic, but I am running Redhat 4.2 on a
>PC which in turn is running an experimental VAX emulator VMS7.3 on
>which I am running PL/I benchmarks.  Is there a way to display,
>from Linux the underlying HW info, such as type of CPU clock speed
>and memory?
Off topic ballanced by better than interesting... Will the emulator boot 
anything other than VMS?

As to your question:

cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo

As an asside the format of /proc/cpuinfo is quite different between 
intel "i386", alpha, sparc and powerpc.

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