Install on PC164, was: CentOS 4.2 for alpha

Robert Williams bob at
Thu Oct 27 21:24:20 UTC 2005

Michal Jaegermann wrote:
> If you are not using that controller
>during an installation unhooking it may be prudent...
I've removed the scsi peripherals from that system and
installed an eide cd device as a slave to the hard disk.
That has allowed me to move on the the next challenge here.
The install process goes as expected until it starts to format
the hard disk, and then it freezes.   I know this disk is good
since it was working on the RH7.2 system yesterday.
I rebooted in rescue mode and checked the disk with fdisk.
This is a perfectly good bsd labelled disk.
Then I ran "mke2fs /dev/hda1"  for the /boot partition.  This worked,
as it did again with the -j option.   Then, for the root partition,
"mke2fs /dev/hda2" proceeded to this point:

   Writing inode tables:

and then stopped in a frozen state at 31/288 inodes written.
I repeated this experience on a second nearly identical PC164 machine,
and got the same result.   mke2fs fails at about this point,
31/288 (same disk type in both machines.)     I'm going to try to
fix these disks on another alpha and see if I can get beyond this.
Any advice?

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Robert Williams
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Uniformed Services University

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