Alpha Core Testing Repository

Mike Barnes mike at
Fri Apr 6 10:00:59 UTC 2007

On 06/04/2007, at 7:46 PM, Steven Moix wrote:
> It works, but I had to manually enter "3" instead of $releasever in  
> the baseurl. $releasever returns 5.
> It would also be a good idea to include gaim in the updates as I  
> mentioned on the list before.

Ah, yes - that was previously discussed on this list. Because Alpha  
Core 3 == Fedora Core 5, and Alpha Core 3 ships with the "fedora- 
release" package, the distro by default thinks it is version 5.

There's an "alphacore-release" package in updates that obsoletes  
"fedora-release" and makes $releasever work as expected. However, you  
need to manually install that or override the yum config like you did  
first. Catch-22 at its finest, really.

More packages are indeed coming, the set there is mainly just to test  
the build process. Then there's the issue of what to do when FC5  
updates stop coming out in a couple of months, now there's no Fedora  
Legacy to feed from. I might push out a 3.1 around that time if I get  
a chance, but we'll see how the AC4/FC7 situation looks first.

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