DAISY book format

Janina Sajka janina at rednote.net
Thu Dec 1 20:39:44 UTC 2005

Christopher Covington writes:
> http://dsidtb.sourceforge.net/index.php which links to some tools
> including a validator. That stuff probably can help but it's a bummer

Those tools are intended to become an LGPL content authoring suite eventually.

PS: The specs weren't designed, nor the tools, for "hobbyists." That's
why you aren't finding those kind of tutorials. They're intended
initially for national libraries for the blind, most of which are DAISY
members and get production software by virtue of their annual
memberships. DAISY started out as a fairly proprietary specification. I
applaud their willingness to go fully open source, though it's clear
they're not all the way there yet.

PS: As with all things open source, maybe you'll be the one to write
that "hobbyist" friendly tutorial after you figure things out?


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