Issues with vim in Redhat

Martin McCormick martin at
Mon Mar 14 14:14:54 UTC 2005

Samuel Thibault writes:
>This is because vim show the cursor position at the last line of the
>display. You can disable that completely by putting 
>set noruler
>in your .vimrc file. Pressing ctrl-G or g ctrl-G will let you get this
>information just once whenever you need it.

	Thank you.  That is exactly what I needed.  In my work, I run
across Linux systems using vim often enough that this is a serious
issue when trying to edit important files.  Vim will let you look at
binary files as well as do lots of other neat things but that ruler
display disrupts any speech output that is looking at incoming
characters, making it easy to be off by a position or to if not
careful.  It's kind of nasty if you happen to knock off the right
brace or delete the wrong line in a configuration file on someone
else's system that they are trusting you to make better, not totally hose.
It's even more important if they are paying you to fix it.  Again,
many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group

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