Can audio bookmarks be hyperlinks?

Tim Chase blinux.list at
Mon Nov 15 03:12:31 UTC 2010

On 10/27/2010 08:16 AM, marbux wrote:
> Does anyone know of such a URI specification?

Paul, I haven't seen any answer fly by, so I thought I'd take a 
stab at it.  There's no defined standard for doing it, so it 
varies from player to player.  With a little JavaScript, you can 
do like YouTube does and read the offset value from 
window.location.hash and use it to control whichever embedded 
media-player you're using.  If you're using HTML5, there's an 
built-in media player for .wav/.ogg/.mp3 (the supported subset of 
those three audio-types varies by browser) with a .currentTime 
property that you can set when the content is loaded.  Then your 
URL would look something like

where your JavaScript code parses out the "3.2" and uses that to 
set the .currentTime offset to begin playing.  If I read things 
correctly, you may also have to set the "autobuffer" and 
"autoplay" accordingly to load the content at page-load (rather 
than when the user initiates it manually), specifying a callback 
to set the offset after the content has finished loading.

A couple good resources with fragments of useful code:

As always with JavaScript, the devil is in the details -- unless 
you can mandate support for HTML5, you'd have to also have a 
media player (Flash, Silverlight, whatever) with fallback.

Hope that helps point you in the right direction,


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