UNS: Re: vibe, a line-editor with vi-compatible keystrokes

John G. Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Sat Aug 3 15:35:36 UTC 2013

If you use gnome-terminal,y ou can cut & paste error messages from your 
terminal window into your google search field. Or for eample, you are 
editing your dhcp config files with gedit, you can display your  MAC 
address and cut/paste it into the config file.

On 08/02/2013 10:51 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:
> I've never understood why anyone who relies on a screen reader would attempt to use terminal apps  with Orca and the Gnome Terminal.
> I understand Windows users have no choice in their environment, or Mac
> users either. But, on Linux a simple Ctrl-AltF[2-6] and you have a
> superior enviornment for terminal apps with a screen reader native to
> that environment.
> Orca isn't going to catch up to Speakup anytime soon, if ever. Nor
> should it try to. What's the point. Speakup can't do what Orca does
> superbly well. So, why should anyone have a problem relying on Speakup
> to do what it does superbly well?
> I just don't get it. Never have.
> Janina
> Tim Chase writes:
>> On August  2, 2013, Janina Sajka wrote:
>>> Your choice seems to be predicated on the quaint preference for
>>> yasr.
>> >From my humble testing, I've not had the difficulties using
>> vi/vim with either yasr or speakup, but the OP mentioned having some
>> sort of trouble and didn't mention the screen-reader in question.
>> Given my experiences with vi/vim under yasr/speakup, I suspect it was
>> using Orca to try and read an X terminal which I've occasionally
>> found a tad frustrating depending on which flavor of terminal it is.
>> -tim

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