datamash program

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Wed Mar 25 11:37:28 UTC 2015

It's for command line users and you pass it tab delimited text files and 
ask it to do statistical calculations on the contents of those files.  I 
tried doing standard deviations with emacs and org-mode and couldn't 
figure out how to make that happen so it's nice that datamash works. 
Command line users of linux on many distributions have been restricted to 
sc or variants and teapot for spreadsheets and those can't do this kind of 
work.  psql and mysql can't do standard deviations either.  php may be a 
solution, but that involves learning another language.  The datamash 
program will take way less time to learn and get results.  Many 
distributions of linux already have this package available too.

-- Twitter: JudeDaShiell

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