will pico or nano fix this?

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at redhat.com
Sat Jul 8 00:33:57 UTC 2017

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Linux for blind general discussion
<blinux-list at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have both editors here at shellworld.  Here is the situation.
> using pdftotext I converted a large file.  the resulting text though has
> very very  short lines with hrt, return keys at the end of them.
> As if the file was intended to be read in a very small space.
> I repaired a file like this once, but cannot remember how.
> Any tips?

I don't know about pico and nano, but many plain text editors have a
feature that cleans up such messes. Usually, the feature is  called
"Join Lines" and has a Ctrl+J keyboard shortcut. Kate is one such
editor. For others, search Google with the following query:

     "text editor" "join lines"

If you happen to use the NoteCase Pro outliner, I've written a script
for it (in Lua and using the NC Pro API)  that performs this task and
have deeded the script to the public domain. I'd be happy to share.

Best regards,


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