Ubuntu booting muted

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at redhat.com
Mon May 23 17:32:19 UTC 2022

theres a plethora of ways to do this.
the sort of official one is that when ubuntu shuttsdown it saves the alsa state
thers a service if u look at
systemctl list-units
that does it.
the prog that does this is alsactl store/restore.

other options include putting your own init-sys.service or whatever u want to call it in
wher u can just run a bash script to setup the soundcard.
systemctl enable init-sys

if your going straight into mate or suchlike this should be before this.
u will need to check that if u do use your own service that it doesnt conflict with the default ubuntu one.
u could try running alsactl store manwelly  from bash and then reboot, if in case, its doing a restore to a muted soundcard.

make sure u got ssh-server or telnet-server setup incase, then u can get into the system remotely if u get stuck.

good luck
neil foster

>Hi all,
>I still have an issue with Ubuntu 22.04 booting muted, however, I
>added the following line to my .profile, which fixes the issue after
>"amixer set Master 50%"
>Is there a way to get the logon screen to come up unmuted?
>Warm regards,
>Brandt Steenkamp
>Sent using Thunderbird on the Linux box.
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>Blinux-list at redhat.com
>date sent=Sun May 22 11:39:03 BST 2022

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