Javascript for text mode (fwd)

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Thu Nov 3 13:46:50 UTC 2022

For w3m, I did find w3m-js mentioned but that's both abandoned and i'm 
not able to find a link to it with a few seconds of searching.

Elinks can apparently be compiled with js support, but I'm not sure to 
what level it owrks.

Chrys was mentioning a while back about the text web browser, though I 
don't recall if it was this list or in off list discussions, but I got 
the feeling money is needed for it, and I'm not wanting to put up thens 
of thousands to make that a reality. Few hundred, maybe, but not 
thousands, or tens of thousands though.

I'm curious to what extent elinks can be compiled with js though

On 11/3/22 13:12, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> My understanding is that dialog's stated purpose is for creating
> simple dialog boxes that can be used for user control in bash and
> other shell scripts.
> Even if some of the major console browsers rely on dialog for making
> part of their interface, I fail to comprehend how that assists with
> the task of patching in support for JavaScript and other rich web
> standards, much less gets around the issue of the maintainers of most
> console web browsers seemingly having no interest in modernizing.
> And I suspect that's the second biggest problem here(the biggest being
> web designers who use JavaScript everywhere and for everything instead
> of only when its truly necessary): Its not that implementing
> JavaScript is hard, its that the people who decide whether it gets
> implemented don't want to implement it.
> Now, if anyone knows of a good, small, and reasonably fast JS parser
> that's good about ignoring the useless eyecandy bits and converting
> the rest to html or plain text as appropriate, that might actually be
> useful for adding JavaScript support in an unofficial build of Lynx
> the Cat or Links the Chain without having to write such a parser from
> scratch.
> Sadly, with how edbrowse is built around such a completely alien
> interface paradigm(ed is a line editor, and edbrowse inherited that
> line-centric way of doing things) to other console browsers(most of
> which have a more screen-oriented interface), even if it's code is
> modular enough to easily isolate the JavaScript bits, they might be
> written in a way to require significant alteration to work with screen
> output instead of line output.
> As for Browsh. It kind of defeats the point of using a console browser
> as its just a console frontend to Firefox, so you've still got that
> behemoth and all of its GUI dependencies installed and even if the GUI
> bits aren't running, you still have the core of Firefox running...
> Plus, you still miss out on Orca's navigational hotkeys, and the last
> time I tried it, it was constantly refreshing what was printed to the
> screen in a way that made using a console screen reader with it
> basically impossible.
> As for eLinks, is there anywhere to get a .deb of it with the
> JavaScript turned on? Or is it one of those off by default, so its off
> in the vast majority of pre-built packages and might as well not exist
> for users who don't routinely compile from source?
> And while on the subject of JavaScript support or lack thereof in
> console browsers, anyone know where w3m stands? Not that I have any
> attachment to it, but its the console browser that comes up most often
> after the homophonic triplets.
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