Debian beginner questions/looking for a good rolling distro

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Wed Apr 5 15:29:19 UTC 2023

The issue with Arch, at least right now for me, is it isn't clear how 
to, on a brand new setup, connect to wifi which is something I feel 
could be addressed.

On the other hand, yes, I have Arch on my other machine, and do love it. 
It's fantastic.

As for what I use on a daily basis?

i3 for a wm

Firefox for a browser

Pidgin for IM/IRC and so on

Text editors

Kodi for a media center

mpv for platying things in the terminal.

No, Solus's infrastructuree isn't all back, the site is, but the main 
server is still down, w.r.t. updates

Et al

On 4/5/23 16:17, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
>  > On 5/4/23 10:59, Linux for blind general discussion wrote: >> Among 
the major distributions, I would mention mostly Arch and >> OpenSUSE 
Tumbleweed as truly rolling distributions. > > Yes, exactly. I've used 
Arch Linux and found it to be relativey > reliable. Support for screen 
readers has been integrated into the > distribution, including the live 
version used for installation. > > Arch Linux also has an excellent wiki 
(very helpful as a source of > documentation even if you aren't an Arch 
user). > > _______________________________________________ Blinux-list 
mailing > list Blinux-list at > >

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