Samba file sharing with external access

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Apr 22 11:26:05 UTC 2023

On 22/4/23 06:58, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> I use Samba for sharing content of my external 6 Tb hdd for my local 
> network. Now, I want to redirect my hdd to all members of my family, 
> but it requires public access. I have public ip address. So how is the 
> best way to configure Samba for access with my public ip? I have all 
> users and passwords created and I will use Ubuntu and I'll try to use 
> gadmin-samba package, but I have no experience with this type of 
> sharing, so if you have some tips, you can give them.
If it's available over the Internet, then performance is likely to be a 
problem, as is security.

If I wanted to do this, I would set up a WireGuard connection between 
the two sides, and make the Samba server available only via WireGuard. 
Documentation is readily available via your preferred Web search engine 
for configuring WireGuard.

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