Samba file sharing with external access

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Apr 22 12:13:12 UTC 2023

On 4/22/23 12:58, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Samba for sharing content of my external 6 Tb hdd for my local
> network. Now, I want to redirect my hdd to all members of my family, but

I'll assume that by redirect you want to give access to some SMB shares
to your family.

- Will inbound traffic be coming from static/dinamic public IPs?
- What clients will be used?
- How many users will that be?
- What type of content  are you planning to share?
- Can your internet connection handle the load?

> it requires public access. I have public ip address.

- Static/Dinamic?
- What about DNS?

> So how is the best
> way to configure Samba for access with my public ip?

The best way is not to expose those kind of services to the internet.

> I have all users
> and passwords created and I will use Ubuntu and I'll try to use
> gadmin-samba package, but I have no experience with this type of
> sharing, so if you have some tips, you can give them.

Don't do it, use something that is already available.

If you want to still go ahead, you need to understand firewalling,
securing a Samba server (username/PWD is no security in this case),
understanding of the SMB protocol and security risk.

Services like VPN and SSH could help but you still need to punch a hole
in your firewall.

I would also suggest to not use UPNP! :)

John Doe

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