Two Arch beginner questions

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Thu Apr 27 13:29:23 UTC 2023

I've personally found I prefer using Fenrir in the graphical terminal to 

When I say the console, I mean a tty that is not attached to a xorg session.



On 27/04/2023 13:52, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> Personally, I use startx for starting things and have it set up to 
> auto launch the graphical session (which you can find how to do on the 
> Arch wiki and is harmless)
> Secondly, no, espeakup and Fennrir work on the TTY mostly. You /can/ 
> have Fenrir work on a terminal but I have little experience with this.
> There's two sorts of console in Linux
> One, you have your TTY, or actual console
> 2. You have a terminal which is a mini console in the graphical 
> interface, such as Mate-terminal
> On a graphical interface like Mate, you use Orca for a screenreader, 
> it covers using a terminal out of the box so you are sorted there
> On 4/27/23 12:58, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
>> Hi,
>> today I installed Arch Linux for the first time. Now I have fully 
>> setup the console and now, it is time for graphical interface. I will 
>> use Mate desktop. I know how to install it, but I have a question 
>> related to display manager. Can you recommend me some display manager 
>> for Mate desktop, which is packaged for Arch and configured for a11Y 
>> (start Orca in the manager)
>> And my second question is related to console screen readers. Espeakup 
>> and Fenrir are included. Which of these is better for using console 
>> apps, such as email clients, web browsers etc? Is espeakup developed 
>> or deprecated?
>> Thanks,
>> Pavel
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