Kde accessibility docker question

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at redhat.com
Sat Apr 29 06:22:15 UTC 2023

Hopefully, speaking of improving KDE apps...they improve konsole as well

On 4/28/23 19:38, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> On 28/4/23 09:05, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
>> I don't know where was it posted, but 5 6 months ago, someone posted 
>> a tutorial, how to test new KDE Accessibility with all commands 
>> needed to get it working with Orca, but I lost the email and I can 
>> not find it with Google. Please, can you help?
> I tried KDE accessibility a few years ago. It was simply a matter of 
> installing the appropriate package group and then starting Orca when 
> KDE was running, if I remember correctly.
> Some aspects of the desktop environment were accessible, but many were 
> not. However, the KDE community has been devoting increased attention 
> to accessibility recently, so there may be improvements in the latest 
> release.
> I would suggest installing it and then attempting to run Orca.
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