[Container-tools] Fwd: OpenStack keynotes (Tuesday)

Dave Neary dneary at redhat.com
Wed May 27 15:37:28 UTC 2015

Hi Nick,

On 05/27/2015 02:48 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> My initial impression is that they seem to be targeting completely
> different problems, with the only point of overlap being the
> underlying need to describe complex multi-service applications.

Yes - that point of overlap is what the user cares about, I think.

> Nulecule is aimed at delivering application deployment instructions
> *as containers*. So if you're using containers to deploy something,
> you pull the deployment instructions down the same way you would pull
> the service itself. It's a pluggable specification, so your image
> needs to support your orchestration and container providers, but you
> aren't coupled to any particular infrastructure-as-a-service layer.
> Looking at Murano (specifically
> https://murano.readthedocs.org/en/latest/draft/appdev-guide/step_by_step.html),
> it seems to instead be aimed specifically at OpenStack environments,
> including being able to plug in to the Horizon Dashboard for
> provisioning purposes.

I think that's exactly right. The messaging for Murano may end up as:
"if you're managing hybrid infrastructure (bare metal, containers, VM
instances) then you can use the same tool across all of them, using
OpenStack, with Murano as your application definition tool".

That seems like a powerful message if we see containers as an additional
instance type for OpenStack, whereas the "pure container" method of
CoreOS & Atomic Platform may make more sense if it's entirely green
field. I'm not sure which of those is true, but if I'm moving
infrastructure to OpenStack and I have the opportunity to embrace Docker
without changing my management tooling, I think I'd like that option.

> It seems to me that being able to automatically derive a Murano app
> definition from a Nulecule file would be a useful capability when
> using OpenStack based infrastructure, but that Murano isn't even
> trying to match Nulecule's IaaS independence.

Yes, I think that would be awesome.


Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338

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