[Container-tools] Atomic CLI + Atomicapp workflow

Dusty Mabe dusty at dustymabe.com
Wed Nov 4 01:45:43 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I've had conversations over the past few weeks with many of you about 
atomicapp and running it through Atomic CLI. Basically the problem is 
that the INSTALL/RUN/STOP labels are a bit fragile and we have seen 
breakage a few times as a result. In the discussions we have talked 
about better alternatives and I think this is what we'd like to go with 
in the future:

1 - the only case where atomic cli needs to work is for running `atomic 
run <appname>` any other piece of the puzzle WILL be handled by the 
atomicapp cli (excludes openshift use case)
2 - people can use the atomicapp cli to do 
unpack/install/run/uninstall/etc... whatever the tool supports they can 
do it
3 - people can use atomicapp cli from an installed rpm OR from an alias 
that runs a docker container to run the cli

An example of the alias would be:
alias atomicapp='docker run -it --rm  --privileged -v $(pwd):/atomicapp 
-v /run:/run -v /:/host --net=host --name atomicapp 
OR in the future may be:
alias atomicapp='atomic run projectatomic/atomicapp'

The idea is that you would use the alias just like if atomicapp were 
installed on the system:
atomicapp install dusty/helloapache
cd /var/lib/atomicapp/dusty-helloapache-9cb2a3704f1d
atomicapp run --provider docker ./
curl localhost
atomicapp stop ./

So with all of this, my question is: can we get rid of the INSTALL and 
STOP labels in the Dockerfiles for Atomic App?


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