[Container-tools] Deduplication problem in answers.conf{,.sample}

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.ch
Mon Nov 16 10:17:07 UTC 2015

Hi there,

I'm trying to replicate the wordpress-mariadb example for a NodeJS 
application for collaborative editing and a MongoDB backend, but the 
following ends up in my answers.conf.sample when I run:

   $ atomic install kolab/manticore-atomicapp
   $ cat answers.conf.sample
   mongodb_admin_password = None
   image = centos/mongodb-26-centos7
   mongodb_password = None
   mongodb_username = None
   mongodb_quiet = True
   mongodb_noprealloc = True
   mongodb_smallfiles = True
   mongodb_database = None
   image = kolab/manticore
   mongodb_database = None
   mongodb_password = None
   mongodb_hostname = mongodb:27017
   mongodb_username = None
   namespace = default
   provider = kubernetes

While I would expect something closer to the following:

   $ atomic install projectatomic/wordpress-centos7-atomicapp
   $ cat answers.conf.sample
   db_pass = None
   db_name = None
   root_pass = MySQLPass
   db_user = None
   namespace = default
   provider = kubernetes

The files I'm using are:

   - manticore-atomicapp:


   - mongodb-atomicapp:

(pull request #22 against upstream)

I have attached the full output for both "atomic install" commands, and 
I do recognize some differences. Is there something about YAML vs. JSON 
being used, that requires me to do things differently?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!



-- Jeroen
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