[Container-tools] DevAssistant Demo Follow-up

Tomas Radej tradej at redhat.com
Wed Oct 7 15:35:13 UTC 2015

Hi, all,

Here is the promised follow-up from last week's demo on DevAssistant 
(DA) and CDK during the F2F sessions:

DA is to be used when kickstarting the development of Nulecule-based 
applications, meaning that to start creating such an application from 
scratch, the developer fires up the DevAssistant container by typing a 
command that looks roughly like this (DA_CMD stands for invoking the 
client container):

     DA_CMD create nulecule --name FOO --author BAR --email BAZ at QUX.COM etc.

DevAssistant then creates the file- and directory structure necessary 
for a valid Nulecule app according to the values provided by the user, 
and fills the files with the proper content. Jim Jagielski has been 
tasked with looking at how the assistants (recipes for how to do the 
above) for Nulecule apps should look and what workflows they should 
cover. There are more workflows than creating an application (including 
modification of existing code or validation) that can be covered by 
DevAssistant's assistants as well.

The proof-of-concept version of DevAssistant shown in the demo works 
under a client-server paradigm (code available at [1]), where the 
communication happens over a TCP socket in the JSON format (a UNIX 
socket is available as well). The JSON API is documented at [2]. At the 
moment, only a CLI client is in existence, but a Web UI should be 
available shortly.

In the CDK, DevAssistant is to be shipped in two containers, one with 
the server, and one with the client. Both containers are currently based 
on CentOS 7, contain Python 3.4 installed from EPEL, and download the 
necessary Python dependencies with Pip obtained from the Python 
Packaging Authority. (Using Red Hat's Python SCL with Pip provided 
therein should be unproblematic). Both the server and the client 
Dockerfiles are available at [1] under the respective subdirectories. 
The images haven't been published anywhere as they are proof-of-concept 
and not production ready. You can build them using the build.sh script 
in the repository - the image names are da-server and da-client.

If you have further questions, please refer to the DA Client/Server 
Project Charter [3], the DA documentation [4], or the mailing list [5].

I am currently in the process of leaving the DA team, with Miro Hroncok 
(mhroncok at redhat.com, CCed) taking the role of the DA lead developer 
over from me. I will still be available for consultations in the coming 
months, but you should lead all development-related discussions with 
Miro and/or Jan Beran (jberan at redhat.com, CCed, the manager of the DA 
team) from now on.


Tomas Radej

DevAssistant Homepage: https://www.devassistant.org

[1] DevAssistant Client/Server Implementation:
[2] DevAssistant Client/Server API Specification:
[3] DevAssistant Client/Server Project Charter:
[4] DevAssistant Documentation (current version):
[5] DevAssistant Mailing List:

Tomas Radej

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