[Container-tools] Minutes from Cabal call Oct 14

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Thu Oct 15 12:23:40 UTC 2015

Rough minutes from the call we had on Wed

Max about OpenShift in current CDK builds:
 * struggling with vagrant package. Can't  find a way to run the
   productized version of OpenShift reliably in vagrant. Lala
   suggest to use the Ansible scripts
 * It's OpenShift on docker using CentOs 7 for downstream (ADB) and
   RHEL7 for downstream (CDK)
 * We should get a new version before the supported one on the 22 Oct
   is available

ADB Testing on Windows:
 * Windows OS version preference? Do we have any data from users about
   preferable Windows version?
 * Navid doesn't have a Windows yet and AWS stopped working.
 * HyperV requires Windows8
 * On Eclipse user base most are Windows 7 and then Windows 8
 * Eclipse targets VirtualBox
 * Lala suggest to look at Hyper-V only post GA
 * Max can certainly do some testing on Windows once there is
   stomething working on OpenShift
 * a lot of developpers are using Windows server(2012 R2), maybe
   we need to reach out ot JBoss developpers to get an idea.

vagrant-adbinfo plugin for beta3:
 * Need to package it as RPM for CDK beta 3, need a name
   * https://github.com/bexelbie/vagrant-adbinfo/issues/7
 * rel-eng process for new RPM package
 * Lala prefer to finish beta2 work before jumping to beta3 requests
 * It sounds a bit late to change ADB name to something else

Aaron: discuss the Openshift proposal
 * container-tools discussion via email, the chalenge is to have the
   oc client aware of atomicapp. Clayton  was involved in the discussion
   and it seems there is a way to make OC nulecule aware and able to use
   atomicapp. The mechanism is to use a specific label. In that case it
   would not make further docker call but go directly to oc-client

 * the question is making sure the openshift devel team is onboard,
   and knowing the deadline. Then this impacts all the documentation,
   the conversion of ISV apps etc ...
 * good point is Clayton doesn't need a "library" access to atomic app

Paper submission for FOSDEM and Devconf.cz:
 * for FOSDEM we may need a more experienced speaker
   * we are going to be proposing an Atomic Stand
 * Let's do that though email, Langdon is on fosdem-planning@
 * Devconf.cz CFP is open

VirtualBox Additions
 * RHEL is not going to be able to ship them
 * For this release, bex, recalls that Additions may not be able
   to be shipped this time so we will go with a sensible default
   of rsync and document how to add it
 * They could be included in Fedora or CentOS boxes

Aaron on processs:
 * Atomicapp + nulecule + examples: want to share information quickly
   more often
 * Christoph had raised same issue before the f2f

=> decision to have an IRC quick meeting on Monday to share status,
   at least for the people involved in Nulecule, AtomicApp and the
   examples. Some minimal logging should be provided back on-list.

=> DV will set up and announce event. Dusty may actually run this

Ajourned 3" past the hour


Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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