[Container-tools] sshfs progress - try it out

Shubham Minglani sminglan at redhat.com
Mon Feb 22 09:44:59 UTC 2016

Hi Dusty,

I'll play around with it on Fedora, CentOS and Windows and let you know if I face some issues!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dusty Mabe" <dusty at dustymabe.com>
To: "container-tools" <container-tools at redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 9:06:18 AM
Subject: [Container-tools] sshfs progress - try it out

Hi All,

I made some progress this weekend with the vagrant sshfs plugin. It
still has a lot of cleanup to go but I think it is ready for people to
start trying it out and reporting any issues that they find.

The code is at [1]. Right now I don't encourage you to dive in to the
code. I anticipate I'll have it ready for other eyes in a day or two. 

For now what I would like people to do is to try to use it on various
platforms and see where issues crop up. 

Here are the instructions for using it in its current form:

- Install the plugin:
  # vagrant plugin install vagrant-dusty-sshfs --plugin-source https://dustymabe.fedorapeople.org/gemrepo/

- Add a synced folder line to your Vagrantfile
  # config.vm.synced_folder "/path/on/host", "/path/on/guest", type: "sshfs"

- If you don't want to be prompted for a password then use ssh keys
  and forward your agent in the Vagrantfile. You must have a key in
  your agent that has an entry in the authorized_keys file on the
  host (your workstation).
  # config.ssh.forward_agent = 'true'

This should work fine on centos/fedora. It should also work fine on
rhel but probably won't go so smooth until the system is properly
registered so that packages can be downloaded and installed.

- Dusty

[1] - https://github.com/dustymabe/vagrant-dusty-sshfs

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