[Container-tools] Atomic App / Nulecule Spec Readiness for 1.0.0: we still have some work to do

Dusty Mabe dusty at dustymabe.com
Mon Mar 7 23:36:04 UTC 2016

We met earlier today to discuss the readiness of the Nulecule spec. This was
brought about because we were in motion to release a 1.0.0 release of Atomic App
because we have been in feature freeze/test mode for a while.

Here are some important notes from the meeting:
- We have thusly concentrated on the deployment story and not enough on the
  developer story. We need to take a new look at the spec from a developer point
  of view.
- We would like to have more "users" attempt to create Apps so we can fully vet
  Atomic App and Nulecule Spec before we approach 1.0.0 status. 
- We realize that soon we will need to make sure that we support (for some time)
  the existing Nulecule spec version that Atomic App supports. We have a short
  amount of time before that to change the spec, but even after that point we have
  freedom to change the spec as long as we support backwards compat.
- Development of Atomic App isn't tied to the ADB/CDK because Atomic App isn't
  baked into the ADB and is delivered via a registry. So we may be more free to
  iterate faster than previously thought.

- We will leave the current versioning scheme in place for now; continue on with
  0.4.x, 0.5.x and so on.. Before we make any large changes to versioning we
  should also discuss with marketing to make sure we have a good message.
- For the time being we will go back to heavy/fundamental development instead of 
  just bug-fixing so we can attempt to address the issues with the spec and with
  the developer story.

Open Questions:
- Do we need to continue to be generic and support all providers or should we tailor
  our solution to Kubernetes/OpenShift?

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