[Container-tools] Atomic App / Nulecule Spec Readiness for 1.0.0: we still have some work to do

Josh Berkus jberkus at redhat.com
Tue Mar 8 00:23:55 UTC 2016

On 03/07/2016 03:36 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:

> - We would like to have more "users" attempt to create Apps so we can fully vet
>    Atomic App and Nulecule Spec before we approach 1.0.0 status.

Pursuant to this, I intend to do two projects, since I want to do them 
anyway in order to have good conference/demo material.  If/when I can 
complete these, Nulecule and atomic.app will be in a vastly improved 
state of readiness.

Postgres HA:
	Creating an atomic.app which represents a PostgreSQL HA cluster,
		* 4 Postgres nodes,
		* etcd cluster,
		* Postgres proxy
		* patronictl client
		* persistentVolumes
		* secrets
		* ENV variables

	Creating an atomic.app for a personal OwnCloud,
	on AWS, including:
		* PostgreSQL database
		* Apache/PHP webserver
		* persistentVolumes
		* secrets
	Then, moving that deployment from AWS to own Harware
         using the Atomic.app definition.

Josh Berkus
Project Atomic
Red Hat OSAS

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