[Container-tools] Minishift 1.0.0

Hardy Ferentschik hferents at redhat.com
Wed May 3 10:29:45 UTC 2017

The Minishift team is happy to announce Minishift 1.0.0 [1].

Thank you,  everyone, who made this release possible, either through coding, testing, documenting, 
reporting issues or requesting a new feature. We welcome all contributions.

Minishift 1.0.0 is a big milestone for us, since it completes the switch to ‘oc cluster up’ [2] for
OpenShift provisioning. However, that’s not all. Along the way we added a whole range of new features. 

The two biggest features are the new addons and hostfolder commands:

* ‘minishift addons’ [3] introduces a framework for OpenShift customization using a Minishift specific DSL.
* ‘minishift hostfolder’ [4] introduces a more explicit way of managing mounted host folders, in particular
the ability to define multiple host folders which can be mounted on request.

Another new command is ‘openshift’ which loosely groups some OpenShift related commands together:

* ‘minishift openshift registry’ [5] exposes the host and port of the OpenShift registry
* ‘minishift openshift patch’ [6] allows you to patch the OpenShift configuration and
* ‘minishift openshift version’ prints the current OpenShift version. By default, it is OpenShift 1.5.0.

And lastly, we added the ‘oc-env’ [7] command, which allows you to configure your shell to use the oc
binary that is downloaded to your host during ‘minishift start’.

In addition to the new commands, Minishift 1.0.0 includes other new features, such as HTTP(S) proxy
support, persistent volume provisioning, and the creation of a minishift CLI profile [8] for easier
usage of oc. 

To help you adopt all of these new Minishift features, we are planning to create a series of blog
posts and video tutorials that showcase the full Minishift workflow. In the meantime, you can review
the Minishift documentation [9].

There is still a lot of work to do and we have many great ideas for new features. Stay tuned and
check out the Minishift Roadmap [10] if you want to know where we are heading next. Feel free to
join us on #minishift on irc.freenode.net if you have questions or ideas.

Last but not least, if you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please take the time to
create an issue in the Minishift GitHub issue tracker [11]. We really do appreciate your feedback.

Happy Minishifting!

[1] https://github.com/minishift/minishift/releases/tag/v1.0.0
[2] https://github.com/openshift/origin/blob/master/docs/cluster_up_down.md
[3] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/addons.html
[4] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/host-folders.html
[5] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/accessing-the-openshift-docker-registry.html
[6] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/interacting-with-openshift.html#update-openshift-config
[7] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/using/interacting-with-openshift.html#openshift-client-binary
[8] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/cli_reference/manage_cli_profiles.html
[9] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/minishift/index.html
[10] https://github.com/minishift/minishift/blob/master/ROADMAP.adoc
[11] https://github.com/minishift/minishift/issues

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