[Crash-utility] crash version 4.0-4.4 is available

Dave Anderson anderson at redhat.com
Fri Jul 20 19:42:31 UTC 2007

- Fix for kernels in which the irq_desc_t typedef is not included in
   the vmlinux debuginfo data, by using the 2.6-era struct irq_desc.
   Without the patch, the "irq" command fails with the error message,
   "irq: cannot determine size of irq_desc_t".  (hugh at mimosa.com)

- Implemented new "irq -u" option that displays only in-use IRQs, now
   that there can be several thousand entries in the irq_desc[] array.
   (anderson at redhat.com)

- Prevent occasional 99% cpu usage waiting for the built-in less
   command to complete.  (anderson at redhat.com)

- Implemented support for the use of "kerntypes" debuginfo files that
   are created by the LKCD "dwarfextract" utility, as an alternative to
   the use of the vmlinux file.  This requires the use of the matching
   System.map file, as in this example:

     # crash kerntypes System.map [vmcore]

   This capability was written by Cliff Wickman of SGI, and he has
   generously offered to maintain its functionality.  (cpw at sgi.com)

- Fixes, code improvement and cleanup for "crash -h [command]".
   (hugh at mimosa.com)

- The output of command data exceeding a terminal page-size has been
   traditionally fed by default to "/usr/bin/less -E -X" with a prompt;
   if the /usr/bin/less command was not available on the host system,
   output would be fed to "/bin/more" instead.  Scrolling can be turned
   off with "set scroll off" or the built-in alias "sf", and back on
   with "set scroll on" or the built-in alias "sn". This release
   allows the user to specify an alternative scrolling program by
   creating a CRASHPAGER environment variable, which be used by default
   if it exists.  Also, the "set scroll [arg]" internal variable setting
   command, which until now accepted "on" and "off" as arguments, now
   accepts "less", "more" and "CRASHPAGER" as alternative arguments,
   both during runtime, or in .crashrc files.  Also, new crash command
   line arguments have also been added to override the default and/or
   .crashrc settings: --more, --less, and --CRASHPAGER.  Lastly, the
   output of the "crash -h [command]" will also use the relevant scroll
   command selection.  (anderson at redhat.com)

- Updated crash(8) man page.  (hugh at mimosa.com, anderson at redhat.com)

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