[edk2-devel] [PATCH] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: Update Bhyve following changes to OVMF

Rebecca Cran rebecca at bsdio.com
Thu Nov 12 05:41:05 UTC 2020

On 11/11/20 12:57 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

> Optimally, these changes should have been part of the SEV-ES feature
> series, but we didn't realize. Sorry about the regression!

I didn't expect people to take on the work of updating Bhyve when making 
incompatible changes to OvmfPkg, but that would be nice if they could!

It's why I have a task to set up a Jenkins CI server, so I can catch 
regressions earlier. Being a lower priority platform, I suspect it's not 
something that should go into the existing Azure/Github based CI system.

Rebecca Cran

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