[edk2-devel] [PATCH] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: Update Bhyve following changes to OVMF

Laszlo Ersek lersek at redhat.com
Fri Nov 13 19:39:06 UTC 2020

On 11/12/20 06:41, Rebecca Cran wrote:
> On 11/11/20 12:57 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>> Optimally, these changes should have been part of the SEV-ES feature
>> series, but we didn't realize. Sorry about the regression!
> I didn't expect people to take on the work of updating Bhyve when making
> incompatible changes to OvmfPkg, but that would be nice if they could!
> It's why I have a task to set up a Jenkins CI server, so I can catch
> regressions earlier. Being a lower priority platform, I suspect it's not
> something that should go into the existing Azure/Github based CI system.

Well, I'm torn. I'd really like the Bhyve platform to be covered with
the other OVMF DSC files, in the same CI system. On the other hand, I'm
aware that keeping OvmfPkg in the main edk2 repository is not
universally welcomed. If Bhyve required additional work (beyond the
usual OVMF DSC files) for merging a core package series (such as for
MdeModulePkg), *I* personally wouldn't be annoyed in the least ("just do
it"), but other contributors -- not as convinced about the benefits of
having Bhyve in-tree -- could be.

If you don't mind catching Bhyve build issues "slightly after the fact",
then I suggest sticking with the status quo. If you have more time to
spend, you can still catch regressions early -- watch out for OvmfPkg
patches, and whenever something is posted for OvmfPkg, push it through
your own CI, and report back *on the list at once* if your build breaks.
I guess you could even script this somehow.


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