To update or not to update...

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at
Mon Aug 20 12:57:41 UTC 2007

Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Big picture = "Fedora and RHEL as a whole"
> rawhide is indirectly the experimental for RHEL as well as for EPEL.

Obviously, I know this -- the point is we aren't trying to create a way 
to build a distribution here, and this is where I believe the mistake lies.

EPEL is a gateway to provide additional packages to a distribution which 
is, of course, emergent from the aforementioned rawhide/Fedora/etc.

What I want to see here is a way for SA's to find packages that help 
them get their job done, without going through lots of pain with 
rpmbuild and finding
missing deps.     This means making a certain quality of packages 
available, but it should not restrict SA's to old content.   "Old" isn't 
the same as stable, we
need other critera for that, or just to have the ability for someone to 
manually push to testing to stable -- and just put some basic 
recommendations around

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