
Michael Schwendt bugs.michael at
Mon Jul 7 23:11:18 UTC 2008

On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:52:51 -0700, Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> Thanks Michael.  Good info.  I built using your 0.4.5 RPM's on my EL5
> machine without issue.  A couple questions:
>   - I'd be happy to create an EL-5 branch based on your RPM's, that
>     would seem to make the most sense.  But do you have any interest in
>     being the maintainer as you appear to be "upstream" in a way for
>     the 0.4.5 branch

That has become less interesting with the plans to migrate the EPEL
buildsys to koji. Production instances like are
very valueable for stress-testing and for development of the software
(provided that they track upstream from time to time). Whether RPMFusion
will use Plague, I don't know. Livna still uses it, but the installation
there differs from EPEL/Extras buildsys (and I don't think an official
release or rpm-release is used).

Plague is also less interesting as bodhi and mash are made for koji.
Plague would benefit from actual development, such as completing the
feature additions in the 0.5.0 version (cvs head), further code reviewing
(also proof-reading), working on TODO lists, continueing with the
pushscripts or integrating them into a web app, and community-building --
without duplicating work on koji+bodhi'n'friends.

>   - Where is this 0.4.5 CVS branch you mention?

In the old "fedora" cvs (most of those projects have moved to
fedora "hosted", afaik), tagged "Plague-0_4_5":

With it the need for patches in the rpms is reduced to a minimum.

>   - Off-topic for EPEL, but it seems like maybe we should update this
>     in Fedora 8 and 9 as well.  I use those systems for building to
>     EPEL as well and the plague stuff in Fedora is still the Fedora 7
>     package.

The differences to F7 and EPEL are only in the patches (different
version of mock, sqlite, +/- extras/epel buildsys customisations).

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