New git in EPEL?

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Thu Jun 10 17:54:49 UTC 2010

Josh Kayse wrote:

> The maintainers were waiting to see what would happen with RHEL6 and
> git. RHEL6 Beta 1 shipped with git 1.6.X but git 1.7.X was recently
> released so we were trying to get RHEL6 upgraded to git 1.7.X. We
> didn't want to provide a newer package in EPEL5 than that in RHEL6
> but as of today they RHEL6 will include git-1.7.1.
> tmz has a testing repo set up that has a build of git 1.7 if anyone
> wants to give it a try.
> I'll let tmz add comments, I'm just bumping to help out.

So just to rehash things a little, this was first discussed around the
time git-1.6.5 was current¹ and after things were clarified a bit the
consensus seemed to be that updating git would be reasonable, provided
that we kept the git-* commands in %{_bindir} rather than moving them
to %{_libexecdir}/git-core as we've done in newer Fedora releases.

Since then, 1.7 has been released and provides a number of other
compelling improvements and bug fixes².  I believe one of the only
changes that could bite a very small number of people is that pushing
to a non-bare repository is now denied by default (but the error given
points at how to configure the repository to allow the action).

I don't think this change will cause anyone serious trouble, certainly
less trouble than pushing to a non-bare repository would.  This change
was made upstream in part because it was a constant source of
confusion and issues for new git users who did not understand why
pushing to a non-bare repository often did not work as they intended.

Before building this for epel-testing, I'd like to ask if anyone
interested in git can give the packages in the repo quoted above a try
and let me know if there are any changes or gotchas which would
require us to make changes to the packaging for EL-5 or prevent us
from pushing this update to EPEL proper.

Git has many parts, of which I only make use of a few on a regular
basis.  So extra eyes on the various sub-packages and other lesser
used bits would be very welcome.


Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
If the triangles were to make a God they would give him three sides.
    -- Montesquieu

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