[et-mgmt-tools] [ANNOUNCE] Cobbler 0.7.2 test release (0.8 candidate)

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Fri Feb 8 16:24:59 UTC 2008

After a long time developing the next version of Cobbler, it's time to 
be finishing this version up.   The motto should
be "release early, release often" so we'll be doing this a lot more in 
the future.

In about a week, I'll be releasing Cobbler 0.8, along with an updated 
koan.   This will include three months worth of
development on the devel branch as detailed here: 

So that that people have a change to test things first, I've uploaded 
SRC rpms for Cobbler 0.7.2 and koan 0.6.5 to:


I've been using these development versions for a long time, as well as 
many others, though additional testing before release is welcome.
If all goes well, I'll push new versions out to the mirrors in about a week.

As with the previous release, I'll support fixes to 0.8 as we work on 
the 0.9 development version.  

NOTE:   We're going to do vmware in koan as a later update, the 
groundwork has already been laid in Cobbler so it will mostly be a 
change in koan.

ALSO NOTE:   If you're using the WebUI, setup instructions have changed, 
and you will need to run through setup again.   These changes
were needed to make things easier on new users as well as to accomodate 
future features.   Instructions are at 

Thanks, and as usual, let me know if you have any questions!


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