[et-mgmt-tools] [ANNOUNCE] Cobbler 0.8, Koan 0.8

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Fri Feb 15 20:27:42 UTC 2008

Hi folks,

Cobbler 0.8 and Koan 0.8 are now built and released to the mirrors.

    You can also find src RPMs at http://cobbler.et.redhat.com/download

The executive summary of features
    -- reworked command line now provides help, can be extended with modules
    -- improved API
    -- improved logging
    -- lots of bugfixes
    -- lots of miscellaneous options and feature requests
    -- easier to install Web UI, WebUI/XMLRPC has pluggable auth (more 
work to be done here, esp WRT kerberos)
    -- recursive syncs mean editing an object with a cobbler command 
means you don't have to run "sync"
    -- ability to do recursive deletes, able to move and rename objects 
that have child objects, etc  
    -- koan can be used without a cobbler server if you want to 
reinstall systems (though it's best with one!)

Enjoy...   0.8.X will now be kept as a stable release while new 
development will happen on the 0.9 devel branch.

As usual, new feature requests, ideas, and patches are always welcome. 

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this release!


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